JULY 2021
Vol.10 Issue 3
1. English-only Approach in Vietnamese Non-major EFL Tertiary Education: Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions [FULL PAPER]
Tran Thi Thuy Lien, Vietnam
2. Web – Based Tongue Twisters as Scaffold To Overcome Speech Anxiety [FULL PAPER]
Ma.Salome R. Magbanua, Ph. D. and Ricky Andresito Naciongayo, M.A., Philippines
3. English for Tourism Purposes (ETP): Development of Authentic Assessment in Improving the Speaking Skills of Tourism Vocational High School [FULL PAPER]
Suparmi1 and Afnesha Noveriana Chang2, Indonesia
4. Dimensions of Asynchronous Virtual Classroom and Internet Self-Efficacy: Gauging Student Satisfaction in Online Learning [FULL PAPER]
Michelle Pamela G. Ansayam and Dr. Denis A. Tan
5. Pragmatic Functions of Fuzziness in Pakistani News Report with Reference to Adaptation Theory
RehanaBibi, NoureenAslam, Dr. Anser Mahmood, and Gulshan Naz, Pakistan [FULL PAPER]
6. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Homefire: Gender Discrimination Study [FULL PAPER]
Anam khalid, Saira Sajid and Noureen Aslam, Pakistan
7. Mathematical Beliefs of Teachers in Public High Schools [FULL PAPER]
Lord Jerwyne T. Maghunong1 and Paul John B. Ongcoy2, Philippines
8. Teachers’ Questions and Questioning Techniques in Classroom Interaction [FULL PAPER]
Dr. Intisar Saleh Ahmed Albondoq, Yemen
9. Stephen Krashen’s Language Acquisition Theory: How is it Viewed by Ibri College Students
Mohammad Al Ghafri, Ms. Amal AL-Lamky and Younes Audeh, Oman [FULL PAPER]