Author's Guidelines
Author's Guidelines
Basic Requirements
1. A manuscript must be original and plagiarism free.
2. Manuscript must be written in English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these).
3.The paper sent for publication has not been published elsewhere or under review for any other journal.
4.IJEE is restricted to the disciplines of English language, Literature, Linguistics and Education only. Therefore, paper written in other areas will not be accepted.
5.Submit your manuscript as e-mail attachment to the Editor-in-Chief at: or with a cover letter sample, which should declare that the manuscript is original and all the references and citations are clearly mentioned. A reference number will be mailed to the corresponding author within 7 days.
6.If and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) agrees to the automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher.
Basic Requirements
1.Please submit the manuscript by using the IJEE template ONLY in Microsoft Word format only.
2.The text is written only in Times New Roman in 12 point font and single-spaced.
3.The manuscript should normally range between 3000-5000 words (including the abstract, footnotes and references).
4.The manuscript should include the author (s) name, qualification and affiliation after the title.
5.The manuscript should include an abstract not exceeding 200 words followed by 3-5 key words.
6.All figures, images, tables of the manuscript should be embedded into the original text only.
7.References of the manuscript should be made in American Psychological Association (APA) style. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). For web references: As a minimum, the full URL should be given.
*For further guidance see the IJEE template ( Word ) or Contact Us
APA Reference Guide (7th Edition)