APRIL 2018
Vol.7, Issue:2
- A Research and Development Study to EFL Learners: Designing A Speaking Module For Introvert Students Based on Cooperative Learning
M. Arif Rahman Hakim, INDONESIA
2.The Effect of Teacher Correction vs. Peer Correction on Iranian EFL Learners’ Correct Use of Prepositions in Essay Writing
Bahar Gheitaranieh, IRAN
- Intracultural Competence and Emotional Intelligence of College Muslim Students
Sajed S. Ingilan, PHILIPPINES
4. The Effect of Blended Learning on Developing Saudi English Majors’ Writing Skills
Arafat Hamouda, EGYPT
- Social Deixis in Translation: Social Setting Shifts in Fiction Translation
Dr. Othman Ahmad Ali Abualadas, JORDAN
- Practices of English language Teaching at Government Institutes:
Colleges & Universities in Karachi
Muhammad Anwar, PAKISTAN
- Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education in Iran
Sahereh Amirian, IRAN
- Everything Now is Measured by After:
Memory and Spatialized Psychological Time in Don DeLillo’s Falling Man
Soumaya Bouacida1 and Samira khawaldeh2, JORDAN
- An Adapted Version of Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) in EFL/ESL Writing:
A Rubric Scoring and a Review of Studies
Luqman Rababah, JORDAN
- The Effect of Explicit Teaching of Pragmatics on the Development of Pragmatic Competence in a Group of Saudi Female Learners of English: Towards a Pragmatics Skill in EFL
Noureddine Kahlaoui, Ph.D., SAUDI ARABIA
- The Anti-hero and the Anxiety of Authorship in Vonnegut’sBreakfast of Champions
Moufida Zaidi1 and Dr. Samira al-Khawaldeh2, JORDAN
- Transcending Patriarchal and Cultural Borders in Bharati Mukherjee’sJasmine
Sara Fadla1 and Yousef Awad2, JORDAN
- Mediating Literature and Culture:
In Search for an Appropriate Methodology in EFL Classroom
- Analyzing Violence Behind the So-called Civilizing Mission of Colonizers in Kamila Shamsie’s NovelA God in Every Stone
Hina Mustafa, PAKISTAN
- The Comparative Impact of Information-gap Task and Opinion-gap Task on Speaking Performance of Field-dependent and Field-independent EFL Learners
Behdokht Mall-Amiri1 and Neda Rafiee2, IRAN
- Translation of Semiotic Entities, Case Study:
Translation of Sa’adi‘s Gulistan by Edward Rehatsek
Azam Ashrafpour1 and Reza Pasha Moghimizadeh2, IRAN
- The Hands-on Approach in Teaching and Learning of Home Economics in the Primary School
Isabel Makwara Mupfumira, ZIMBABWE
- Myth and Symbol in Jack London’s The Call of the Wild,
White Fangand Tawiq Al’Hakim’s Himar Al’ Hakim (AL’HAKIM’S DONKEY)
Dr. Huda A. Galaby, SAUDI ARABIA
- The Arabic Cognates or Origins of the Names of “Week Days” in English and European Languages: A Lexical Root Theory Approach
Zaidan Ali Jassem, SAUDI ARABIA