
International Journal of English and Education

Vol: 2, Issue: 1


Section: I


   1. Understanding of Idiomatic Expressions in Children Between 11 – 14 Years     [FULL PAPER]

      Sudhin Karuppali and Jayashree S. Bhat 2, INDIA

   2.Language Policy and ELT Programme in Assam                                                             [FULL PAPER]

      Mohd. Mahib ur Rahman, Ph.D., INDIA

  3.English, Education, and Life: A Narrative Inquiry into the English-Using Experience of Chinese Graduate

    Students in the U.S.                                                                                                                       [FULL PAPER]

   Liping Wei, D. Ed., USA

  4Mother Tongue Influence on Writing Apprehension of Jordanian Student Studying English Language: Case Study

    Al_Sawalha, Abdulla Musa Salem1 and Dr. Chow, Thomas Voon Foo2, MALAYSIA   [FULL PAPER]

  5A Comparative Study of the Differential Effect of In-Text and End-of-Text Reference Citation on Reading

    Comprehension and Speed among Iranian EFL Learners                                                 [FULL PAPER]

    Manouchehr Jafarigohar1, Hassan Iravani2 and Fatemeh Nourani3, IRAN

  6ELT to the Students of Arts and Science College Puducherry: A Study                      [FULL PAPER]

    Ms. Rajarajeswari. M1 and Dr K Balamurugan2, INDIA

  7The Role of Newspapers Today with Special Reference to Odia Dailies                 [FULL PAPER]

    Dr Arun K Behera1 and Prof. B.K.Tripathy2, INDIA

  8Linguistic Analysis of the Language of Soldiers in Military Barracks in Nigeria    [FULL PAPER]

   Luka Barnabas Jauro1, Jamila B. A. Suleiman2 and Anthonia Adamu3, NIGERIA

  9Quality of Interpreting from Users’ Perspectives                                                               [FULL PAPER]

   Mansour Amini,Noraini Ibrahim González2 and Leelany Ayob3, MALAYSIA

  10.A Comparative Study of the Implementation of Politeness Strategies among Iranian EFL Learners Studying MA

   in Literature, Translation, and Teaching                                                                                   [FULL PAPER]  

   Bahman Amani1 and Ziba Nezamiye Ghadim2

  12.The Effect of Teaching Vocabulary Learning Strategies on Collocation Recall in an EFL Context

  Manoochehr Jafarigohar1, Seyed Jalal Abdolmanafi Rokni2 & Neda Karimi3, IRAN  [FULL PAPER]

  13Second Language Acquisition in English Medium Classes in Jaffna                      [FULL PAPER]

   Dr. T. Karunakaran, SRILANKA

  14. Knowing About Knowing – Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Language Classrooms”    [FULL PAPER]

   V. Rajesh1 Ph.D and J. Jaya Parveen, Ph.D2, INDIA

  15. Deciding What to Teach: Effective English Curriculum                                              [FULL PAPER]

   Dr. Daisy, INDIA

  16Translation of Chinese Four-character Idioms on Basis of Equivalence Theory   [FULL PAPER]

  Guangqi Zhangand Danmo Chen2, CHINA

  17The Effects of Reciprocal Teaching vs. Think-Aloud on Reading Comprehension of Pre- Intermediate Students

  in Iran                                             

  Manoochehr Jafarigohar1, Hassan Soleimani2 and Zahra Soleimani3, IRAN            [FULL PAPER]

  18. Process in Developing an Instrument Gauging Levels of Thinking Skills in Reader-Text Transaction

  Dr. Mak Kem Seng1 , Ooi Ae Kee2 and Dr. Mohamad Jafre Zainol Abidin3  MALAYSIA [FULL PAPER]


Section: II



  19.Choices and Experiences on Literary Translation                                                         [FULL PAPER]

  V.V.B.Rama Rao, Ph.D., INDIA

  20.Morrison’s Black Slave Female Characters and Their Quest for Subjectivity    [FULL PAPER]

   Khamsa Qasim, PAKISTAN

  21. Quest for Spiritualism: A Study of Jhabvla’s A New Dominion                                [FULL PAPER]

  Dr. Hemlata Singh, INDIA

  22. Woman Flouting the constraints in Anita Nair’s The Better Man                              [FULL PAPER]

   S. Suganya, INDIA

  23. Towards The Path of Exploring: Unhoused and Unnecessary in ‘A House for Mr. Biswas’

   Dr. Deepak Kumar1 and Shagufta Naj2 (Research Scholar), INIDA                             [FULL PAPER]

  24. Theme of Love & Death in Tagore’s GITANJALI                                                            [FULL PAPER]

   T. Latha, M.A. M.Phil., INIDA

  25. Multi-Facets of Women in the Select Novels of Shobha De                              [FULL PAPER]

  V. SaralaDevi (Research Scholar), INIDA

  26. The Bhagavad Gita and the Task of Building Modern Indian Nation: The Interpretation of Shri Aurobindo

  Dr.Mamta Sharma, INDIA                                                                                                            [FULL PAPER]

Section: III


  27. Empirical Investigation of the e-Learning Approach in Saudi Universities         [FULL PAPER]

  Mohamed Aichouni1 and Eid El-Haisoni2, SAUDI ARABIA

  28. Redefining Education in the World of ICTs                                                                      [FULL PAPER]

  Shafeeq.C.P., M.A, M.Ed., SAUDI ARABIA

  29. Integrating ICT into Teaching & Learning- ” A 21st Century Technology Tool for Continuing Education”

  Mr.R.S.A.Susikaran, INDIA                                                                                                           [FULL PAPER]

Section: IV




                                                              Ameen Fayaz, Assistant Professor,


                                                   1. Silence Speaks,                     2. My Dreams are My Nation,                          3. Silence on the River Jhelim

                                     4. They Say He is a Father,          5. Mother Courage,                                 6. When Clouds Kissed Mountain Peaks

 7. On the Bank of Wullar Lake

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